function countdown(that) { var second = that.data.second if (second == 0) { // console.log("Time Out..."); that.setData({ second: "Time Out..." }); return ; } var time = setTimeout(function(){ that.setData({ second: second - 1 }); countdown(that); } ,1000)}Page({ data: { second: 3 }, onLoad: function() { countdown(this); }});
/* 秒級倒計時 /function countdown(that) { var second = that.data.second if (second == 0) { that.setData({ second: "Time out!", micro_second: "micro_second too." }); clearTimeout(micro_timer); return ; } var timer = setTimeout(function(){ that.setData({ second: second - 1 }); countdown(that); } ,1000)}/ 毫秒級倒計時 */// 初始毫秒數(shù),同時用作歸零var micro_second_init = 100;// 當(dāng)前毫秒數(shù)var micro_second_current = micro_second_init;// 毫秒計時器var micro_timer;function countdown4micro(that) { if (micro_second_current <= 0) { micro_second_current = micro_second_init; } micro_timer = setTimeout(function(){ that.setData({ micro_second: micro_second_current - 1 }); micro_second_current--; countdown4micro(that); } ,10)}Page({ data: { second: 2, micro_second: micro_second_init }, onLoad: function() { countdown(this); countdown4micro(this); }});
如此,當(dāng)秒級運(yùn)行完畢時,毫秒級timer即clearTimeout,并將字本顯示為'micro_second too'
再添加一個countdown4micro方法,使得顯示剩余 0:3:19 89這樣形式的倒數(shù)
function dateformat(second) { var dateStr = ""; var hr = Math.floor(second / 3600); var min = Math.floor((second - hr * 3600) / 60); var sec = (second - hr * 3600 - min * 60);// equal to => var sec = second % 60; dateStr = hr + ":" + min + ":" + sec; return dateStr;}
function countdown4micro(that) { var loop_second = Math.floor(loop_index / 100); // 得知經(jīng)歷了1s if (cost_micro_second != loop_second) { // 賦予新值 cost_micro_second = loop_second; // 總秒數(shù)減1 total_second--; } // 每隔一秒,顯示值減1; 渲染倒計時時鐘 that.setData({ clock:dateformat(total_second - 1) }); if (total_second == 0) { that.setData({ // micro_second: "", clock:"時間到" }); clearTimeout(micro_timer); return ; } if (micro_second_current <= 0) { micro_second_current = micro_second_init; } micro_timer = setTimeout(function(){ that.setData({ micro_second: micro_second_current - 1 }); micro_second_current--; // 放在最后++,不然時鐘停止時還有10毫秒剩余 loop_index ++; countdown4micro(that); } ,10)}
/** * 需要一個目標(biāo)日期,初始化時,先得出到當(dāng)前時間還有剩余多少秒 * 1.將秒數(shù)換成格式化輸出為XX天XX小時XX分鐘XX秒 XX * 2.提供一個時鐘,每10ms運(yùn)行一次,渲染時鐘,再總ms數(shù)自減10 * 3.剩余的秒次為零時,return,給出tips提示說,已經(jīng)截止 /// 定義一個總毫秒數(shù),以一分鐘為例。TODO,傳入一個時間點,轉(zhuǎn)換成總毫秒數(shù)var total_micro_second = 2 * 1000;/ 毫秒級倒計時 */function countdown(that) { // 渲染倒計時時鐘 that.setData({ clock:dateformat(total_micro_second) }); if (total_micro_second <= 0) { that.setData({ clock:"已經(jīng)截止" }); // timeout則跳出遞歸 return ; } setTimeout(function(){ // 放在最后-- total_micro_second -= 10; countdown(that); } ,10)}// 時間格式化輸出,如3:25:19 86。每10ms都會調(diào)用一次function dateformat(micro_second) { // 秒數(shù) var second = Math.floor(micro_second / 1000); // 小時位 var hr = Math.floor(second / 3600); // 分鐘位 var min = Math.floor((second - hr * 3600) / 60); // 秒位 var sec = (second - hr * 3600 - min * 60);// equal to => var sec = second % 60; // 毫秒位,保留2位 var micro_sec = Math.floor((micro_second % 1000) / 10); return hr + ":" + min + ":" + sec + " " + micro_sec;}Page({ data: { clock: '' }, onLoad: function() { countdown(this); }});
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